Monday, 30 June 2014


What happens when pigs fly.   the price of bacon goes up.


The tiger is a large shark.Tiger shark's have powerful jaws and jagged teeth for sawing through bones and shells.


The cookecuter shark is different to the other shark's and it mostly eat's other shark's. The cookecuter shark has 1 row of teeth which is up the top they are razor sharp the cookecuter shark laches onto its pray then sucks then twirls the teeth which grinds into the flesh then make's a circuler hole shape.
The cookecuter shark is 20 inch's and 50 cm long you dont hafe to worry about the cookecuter shark it lives in the bottom of the sea they are found in eastern and western Australia and it eats fish's seals whales it has a glowin green belly that may attract prey.

Sunday, 29 June 2014

The bull shark

the bull shark is fresh water and slat water shark it can swim in very shallow water it is the dangers shark in the world.

Blue ringed octpus

The blue ringed octopus is a small creature. it is 5 centimetre's long. it's blue ring's glow when it feels threatened it has enough  venom to kill 10 grown men.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014


The great white is a big shark with powerful jaw's. All shark's have row's of teeth there teeth are razor sharp. The great white shark's jaw can dislocate when it's mouth need's to bite a bigger victim.

Angler fish

The angler fish has a light hanging from the top of it's head the male is smaller than the female infect the male angler seat's on the female angler and sucks her blood the light attracts prey.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Tasselled wobbegoyg

The tasselled wobbegoyg or carpet shark Eucrossorhinus ogilbyi is a sluggish fish which lies in wait for prey its colouring and barbels giving it the appearance of a weed-covered rock.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Hammer head shark

The hammer head shark sphyrna lewini seems to gain greater monoeuvrability than most sharks by using its T-shaped head as a forward rudder the hammer head shark is known by its hammer head.

Moray eel

The californian moray eel gynmo -thorax mordax like all moray eels usually lurks by day in holes and crevices emerging at night to forage for its prey-small fish and crustaceans.

The viper fish

The viper fish chauliodus danae is only a few inches long but it is as predatory as it looks. Food is relatively scarce in the ocean depths and when predatory fish do find victims they are likely to be their own size. As a result many species have developed huge gaping mouths.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

swimming sports

I was waiting for my race and we had to slowly slide into the pool it was warm on your marks get set go my legs were like bolder's hitting the water.

Eight and nine year old boys your up for freestyle we were at the starting line bang I dived into the shiny   water I was coming LAST???.

Backstroke was up so i jumped into the water on your mark's get set go I was coming first then i came first.